Hey there! Stopping in with a quick look at how I used Krisi's Jr. Legal Pad Cover to do some organizing...of my wine ephemera! I have collected snippets of this and pages of that and a couple of pamphlets along the way, and I thought it was time to put it all together into a wine dossier.
This is the template I used:

Krisi's template is (obviously) sized for a Jr. Legal Pad, but I found that a little thinking outside the box :) will get it to fit a small 6-ring binder, as well!
I started with the binder because I wanted to use a zipper pouch for more secure storage.
When I printed the project, I printed an extra page, the "simple wrap", to make sleeves on the inside of the cover to slip the front and back of the binder into.
Here's the finished product:
Some notes from a tasting, and a map tucked into the pocket:
A short list of some of my favorites, and a piece of a label tucked into a pocket page:
Blank paper for future events, and the zipper pouch with extra clips and such:
The closed cover, secured with velcro:
Hope you are inspired!
Oh! And I used the Free Fall kit from Sherwood Studios for this project.
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